
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Soot sample collection

Soot damage from a small fire in a building - Another reason to stay low in a fire.
Soot damage after a fire is common. Soot particles have been linked to health problems in chimney sweeps as far back as the 18th century (AIC News 09-2010)   

Sampling the soot can be done with a swab or an air sampler with later chemical analysis done by a laboratory.  As a preliminary test, an Air-o-cell cassette air sample can be taken from the area.  The soot particles have a fairly easily recognizable shape.  The individual soot particles are often less than 2.5 microns but will be attracted together in larger masses as seen in the photo below.

Air-o-Cell air sample of  a soot particle - microscope photo:  The distance between 0 and 1 is 25 microns.
As an experiment a co-worker assisted me with sample soot particles on a floor some distance from the source of the fire. We noticed that the particles had a strong static charge and were easily sampled from a distance of 1/4 to 1/2 inch (approximately 1 to 2 cm).

Soot sample collection - N. Carlson - 1 min. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

16 hour Mold Remediation Course April 13-14 2016

16 hour Mold Remediation
This two day course offered April 13 - 14, 2016 by the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities  is designed to train individuals who are or who anticipate being employed at a mold remediation work site.  Individuals in charge of building maintenance and public health officials inspecting water damaged buildings have also benefited.  Past attendees have also come from Hospital Facilities Management. 

Activities in this course include implementing the emergency response plan, identifying specific molds and associated health hazards, selecting protective equipment, and performing advanced control containment or confinement.  Additional site-specific training for emergency response must be provided so individuals can carry out any role, which may be assigned during a response. 

For more information sign up at the U of MN HazMat and Hazwoper Training site:  Mold Remediation Course.