http://www.mlive.com/business/west-michigan/index.ssf/2011/02/ludington_pumped_storage_plant.html |
July 2014 Minnpost article describes how an elevated levee at Luddington, Michigan allows a power company to convert wind power into stored hydropower. This is an example of
Pumped-storage hydroelecticity.
Below is a diagram of how the energy storage system works for the Luddington, Michigan plant. It was originally constructed in 1973 and used non wind energy sources to run the pumps.
http://www.consumersenergy.com/content.aspx?id=6985 |
A wind farm located near the Luddington power plant now provides a significant amount of the energy needed to run the pumps. The plant is 70% efficient.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/devriesd/7997893102/ |