Thursday, September 15, 2016

Bagpipes cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis

Mold species in Bagpipes photo from

From the Washington Post, a British bagpipes player died from hypersensitivity pneumonitis (wikipedia) after suffering gradually deteriorating health for seven years. Doctors never made the connection with his love for bagpipes and his chronic respiratory problems.  His health improved briefly during a three month trip to Australia as he left his bagpipes behind.  It declined upon his return home.

Tests of his bagpipes found three genera of molds including Rhodotorula spp., Penicillium spp., and Fusarium spp. This case raises the importance of proper cleaning of musical instruments after use and the importance of getting a proper medical history for a person's occupation and outside recreational interests.

Hypersenitivity Pneumonitis Bagpipes - 2 min.

Bagpipe lung - 1 min. 

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